Sunday, January 22, 2012

2012 Officer Schmidt Memorial Climb - 1/22/2012

Troy Bacon called in but had trouble with the satellite phone. His report is as follows: Troy, Ryan and Chuck are returning to 19,000 camp tomorrow with plans to summit on Wednesday. Bob and Paul are a day behind and will attempt to summit on Thursday. Norm was not feeling well due to the altitude and is returning to Mendoza where he will join up with Josh and Nelson. Click the audio link below to hear the update.

1 comment:

Susan Schmidt said...

Hello team!

Sorry to hear your transmission is breaking up (you're closer to the satellite than we are) but glad to hear you are making progress. Am glad you are all taking precutions as needed. We pray daily for your safety and are filled with gratitude for this expedition in Jonathan's name. Donald, my brother and Jonathan's father, kept Keaton, the 2 year old baby, today. He put it on FB and said he watched Keaton sleep and broke down knowing Keaton will never know his father. When Keaton woke up, Donald picked him up and Keaton threw up all over him. Donald said 'it's OK' because he knew that's exactly what Jonathan would have said. Keaton is the 'tow head' Jonathan was. We miss him terribly and so appreciate your endeavors.

Thanks so much!

Susan the aunt